We are delighted about your interest in our company and our website www.pfarrplatz.at. VWG „Vienna 19“ Wein GmbH, companies’ register number FN 286637a, with its registered address at Eroicagasse 4, 1190 Vienna, Austria, operates an online portal at “www.pfarrplatz.at” for its customers. Further information on VWG „Vienna 19“ Wein GmbH can be found in the Legal Information section of this website. This data privacy policy applies for the customer offerings provided in the name of VWG „Vienna 19“ Wein GmbH and available on the online portal.

VWG „Vienna 19“ Wein GmbH is a member of a group of companies. In order to fulfil its obligations, VWG „Vienna 19“ Wein GmbH also draws on the assistance of affiliated companies for the performance of work. A list of the companies which fall under the scope of application of this data privacy policy can be found here.

Subject of the policy
This general data privacy policy outlines and explains our fundamental understanding of data protection and general safety measures. We comply with our obligation to provide data privacy information by means of the data privacy policies compiled specifically for our individual customer offerings, which form an integral part of this general data privacy policy. More detailed information and links to the respective documents can be found under “Customer offering-specific data privacy policy”.

Safety measures
Protecting your personal data and information that could be used to determine your identity is extremely important to us. Pfarrplatz Gastronomiebetriebs GmbH’s aim is to continue to satisfy our customers’ expectations of our products and services. This also includes the responsible handling of the data that you entrust to us in the scope of our customer relationship. We undertake to protect your data in accordance with the respectively applicable data protection regulations.
For this very reason, we are also continuously endeavouring to revise and improve our technical and physical safety regulations. By means of regulations and provisions, we have implemented safety measures in a safety concept with the aim of protecting your personal data against accidental loss, misuse and tampering whilst they are under our control across all websites and servers operated by VWG „Vienna 19“ Wein GmbH.
We also ensure compliance with data protection stipulations by regularly training our staff, appointing a data protection coordinator and requiring our staff and external data processors to commit to the maintenance of confidentiality in writing.

We do not intend to process any personal data relating to minors; unfortunately, however, it is not always possible for us to verify the age of the persons viewing and using our websites. If a minor communicates his data to us without his parent or legal guardians’ permission, we kindly request that he contact us so that we may delete said data and render it impossible for us to contact the minor further (e.g., advertising material). Contact: office@pfarrplatz.at


Customer offering-specific data privacy policy
In order to comply with our obligations to provide data privacy information, we have compiled separate data privacy policies for our customer offerings in the interest of better readability and transparency. Simply click on the “Data Privacy Policy” link provided for the respective customer offering to proceed to the corresponding document.
In the customer offering-specific data privacy policies we inform you in detail about:

  • who we are and how you can contact us;
  • the products to which the data privacy policy refers
  • what categories of personal data we process;
  • the sources from which we procure data;
  • the purposes for which we process personal data (including within the group of companies);
  • the legal basis on which we do so;
  • the parties to whom we may provide personal data;
  • how long personal data are saved; and
  • your rights with regard to the processed personal data.

Insofar as reference is made in the data privacy policy to data processing being performed on the basis of your consent, this naturally requires you to have effectively provided said consent. If no such consent is provided, we shall not perform any data processing concerning you as an individual based on your consent.

Of course, it is also possible to visit our online offerings (websites) without providing information regarding the user’s identity. In such cases, and in the case of use of the online offering by registered users, access data with no personal reference (e.g., name of the Internet service provider, the page from which the user visited the websites, the anonymised IP address and the date and time of the visit) are stored. In addition to in the data privacy policies, data privacy information regarding this form of data processing can be found in the separate “Cookie Policy”. This policy along contains sections on social media plug-ins, which can be used to share content from our website on other websites.

Our customer offerings are:

If you would like to update your data, the data usage or your preferred means of communication or if you do not wish to receive any further correspondence from VWG „Vienna 19“ Wein GmbH or wish to object to the data processing, you may do so at any time using the following contact information and with no obligation to provide grounds:

  • By e-mail: office@pfarrplatz.at
  • By telephone: +43 1336 0197
  • By post: VWG „Vienna 19“ Wein GmbH
    Eroicagasse 4
    1190 Vienna

If you have any remarks or questions regarding data protection or our data privacy policies, you can contact us via the following channels:

Updated: May 2018

You can download the General Data Privacy Policy as a PDF here.