As a member of the austrian traditional wineries we distinguish between Erste Lagen Wines, Single Vineyard Wines, Village Wines and Regional Wines
As a member of the austrian traditional wineries we distinguish between Erste Lagen Wines, Single Vineyard Wines, Village Wines and Regional Wines
This classification stands for the very best grapevines in wine-region and only applies to wines typical for that region.
Ried Preussen, Ried Langteufel
These wines are produced only from first class grapevines and have a distinct character.
Ried Alsegg, Ried Weisleiten
They come from high quality, characteristic and traditional vineyards or a cadastral commune.
Nussberg, Nussdorf, Grinzing, Hernals
Made from grapes from the wine region of Vienna and are defined by their lightness and fruity taste.